And summer. I love summer too. (Can it seriously be Labor Day already?! I want to cry! I do *not* do well with winter... sigh...) Anyway.... this blog has clearly been neglected for the past month or so. Oops.
I've been a little busy, to be fair. Since the last time we met, I scratched off each and every last clinical hour and visit I needed to meet the requirements of my program, as well as having a "declaration of safety" submitted by Dee (signifying that she feels I am a safe, beginning-level practitioner); one of my biggest feats was taking - and passing - the first of the last 3 big tests standing between myself and midwifery. I'm engaged, descended, and flexed - now on to finishing the rest of these cardinal movements, little by little...
(was that too corny?!)
From a personal standpoint, things have also been busy. Family life has been hectic as always, with ups and downs. My bigger-Mini started Kindergarten (!) last week, which seems incredible; I still remember the moment she was laid in my arms and the immense feelings of wonder and

awe I felt to be a mother to such a wondrous little being; my Mini-er is beginning preschool this week (and memories of her labor, and birth, are even more vivid; the moments in the shower, visualizing her path down to birth, and the moment when the Warm One proclaimed her as a "little girl"... so clear!). Harder to work through these past weeks have been the continuing struggles with my brother and his own battles (battles which he alone can fight, but that as a family we have been trying to find ways to support him in...), the diagnosis of Lyme's disease in my father, and acute, aggressive leukemia in my grandfather. It's painful and exhausting to see the toll, both physical and emotional, that's accumulated across the family lines in the past weeks and months; through hopes, prayers, and support (and communication), I'm waiting for a strengthening of the bonds that hold us together.
But, back to the "Work" thought that started this whole rambling... I'm starting to think more seriously about jobs again. (It's getting to be time, I suppose. I have one more "school" test - the competency/completion exam, after which I am officially a graduate nurse-midwife, and the final step is the national certification exam). I've realized, after doing a phone interview or two over the past few months - mind you I haven't interviewed in years! - that I need to brush up on my interviewing skills. I thought maybe I'd toss out a few random, jarbled thoughts on here, if nothing else, to help myself sort out a little more about myself (you know how they - "they" being interviewers, of course - always ask about your strengths/weaknesses, what you would like to improve on, etc...)
About Me...
* I'm not there yet, but I'll be there soon!
* I don't drink coffee... but I anticipate that I will start to do so soon...
* I run habitually late (not much, but just enough to be a few minutes late...)
* But - see above - I'm reliably late those few minutes!
* I learn by doing, not by reading/listening
* I'm quiet - but only for so long. I will open up (you may be sorry....)
* I do have a sarcastic streak... and a good sense of humor!
* I may hold back a bit at first - let my confidence build, and I will shine.
* I trust women, their bodies, their intuition, and their abilities.
* I am a very dedicated, motivated employee.
* I can't even come up with enough to write here! Man, I better hire myself out to a farm or
something instead....