To keep this short and sweet (and I'll tell you why in two short, evil words: the Paper), I'm gonna to limit myself to exactly two minutes of typing, no more. It's 2038 right now, so by the time my computer hits 2040, I'm publishing this post as is*. (I might however sneak back and add a pic to pretty it up, I do reserve that right.) **I totally lied, it's now 2059 & I am just hitting the submit button. Oh, well... you'll see why...
Anyway, on the 'professional' side - hoping to start my next leg of the clinical journey at another nearby site within the next few weeks. This midwife that I am hoping to work with is much more "my" style, from what I know of her. I am very much excited to work with her, and my fingers, toes, and possibly even fallopian tubes (maybe not - that seems as though that might not be so good?!) are crossed that it works it. Stay tuned!
On the personal side... recently I had the bittersweet pleasure of working with a beautiful family who had the painful loss of their baby shortly after the midpoint of their pregnancy. The loss wasn't expected, but wasn't necessarily a surprise either; going into the pregnancy, there were certain risk factors that they knew increased the risk for stillbirth and/or preterm birth. The grace and strength at which they accepted their child's short life, introducing their older child to his angel sibling and then saying goodbye, warmed my heart. I only hope that I was able to help in the grieving process, or at least communicate the value and appreciation that we all have for the sweet little life that they have had and are remembering. One service that I always forget the name of in these (thankfully rare) situations - and always wish that I could remember, but can't until later - is the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep organization ( , which is a non-profit group of professional photographers that is dedicated to help families who have experienced an early pregnancy (after 25 weeks or so, according to their site) or neonatal death. Though we do take pictures of our babes, they in no way can compare with the beautiful gift that this foundation can offer to their parents.

To all the angel babies, and families who are missing them... you are loved, and not forgotten...
i'm a photographer over there.. haven't had to photograph yet, i cant imagine how hard it will be :(